
You Leave Something to the Imagination

Guys aren't dumb. They know you pee, wax, put on zit cream... .They just don't want to diink about it, much less have you hand them a mental picture. "Many men are brought up to believe diat disclosing intimate details in any area of life is a sign of weakness," Bushong explains. "TMI is not only a turn-off, but it also forces him to rediink his image of you as a strong, sexy woman."
It's natural to want to get closer to your guy by being totally open with him, yet maintaining a sense of mystery is especially crucial as tilings become serious. The excitement of getting to know you was a big part of what drew him to you in the first place. Since that element of the unknown creates sexual tension, you need to sustain it
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overtime. "Men thrive on intrigue....A little distance fuels his fantasies," Bushong notes. "And those fantasies are what keep him curious and drive him to crave more intimacy with you." So let some stuff stay under wraps, like by closing the door before you pull on Spanx.

The value men place on autonomy is biological: In prehistoric times, guys who mastered the solitary act of hunting were the ones who survived to pass on their genes. And adding to that primal instinct: Guys arc staying single longer. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the median age for men to marry is 28, up from 23 in 1970 (it's 26 for women today). The extra solo time makes dudes more intent on remaining self-reliant even after they're involved with someone. "It's difficult for him to switch gears and settle into being

