
Ask Him Anything

If your boyfriend doesn't respond to the fact that his chinchilla injures you both physically and emotionally, then pull out the big guns. Explain to him that if he wants you to love him hairy and unshaven, he has to be willing to do the same for you. He'll be reaching for the Mach 3 in no time.
QUESTION: My boyfriend and I bought a house together two years ago and recently have been discussing the best time to have kids. There's just one problem: I want to get married, but he freaks out if I even bring it up. He's 100 percent committed in other ways, so what's the deal...and how can I change his mind? ANSWER: You say that he freaks out when you even mention it, so does that mean you've never had a serious conversation with him about marriage? If so, you need to figure out what his problem is. Maybe it's simply the idea of a wedding that makes him panic, not the idea of being married. Or he could be afraid that marriage will alter your relationship in negative ways.
I think you need to grab his attention by telling him that you're not sure you want to have kids

Bl started hooking up with a guy who tends to go soft during sex. Thing is, he pretends like ifs not happening and tries to keep going, which doesn't always work very well. How can I point out the obvious without making things uncomfortable? \
ifiis m i v realizes wl lat's happening. Hi s just hoping you aren't realizing what's happening. In other words, lie's a little delusional.
Since he doesn't want to address unv-tliing, all vou really can do is offer to help. Ask il there are any sex moves he's dying to trv if he needs a different kind of stimulation, this may prompt liim to say so. Otherwise, I recommend finding a new hookup who I las die courage to own up to— rather than just blatantly
QUESTION: I always thought my boyfriend was hot.. .until he started growing a beard six months ago. I figured he would do it for a few weeks, tops, but he never stopped. Whenever I ask him to shave, he gets mad and says I should love him no matter what. I do, but I want my handsome guy back. How can I make him get that ridiculous thing off his face? ANSWER: Hey, just because he has a Zach Galifianakis thing going on doesn't mean you should ridicule the poor dude. Maybe the beard makes him feel manly, maybe he thinks it's cool (the lumberjack look is hot these days), or maybe he just needed a change. Whatever the case, if you berate him, you'll just make him so defensive, he'll keep the beard out of spite.
If you want to get through to him, you have to playfully but forcefully explain why you dislike the beard—not why you dislike him with the beard. Tell him how much it irritates your skin when you kiss him. Or let him know how much it weirds you out because it reminds you of the beard your dad had when you were a little girl (even if your dad has shaved twice a day since he was 12).
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