
Tub Taboo

Bun a warm bath, and have him recline in the tub. Climb on top so you arc facing him. When vou have him inside you. lie should sit up. Wrap your legs around each other, and hold on to each other's knees. Then sway back and forth. The water will keep you afloat, so you won't tip over.

mm < w He'll never again look at the dining room as just a place to eat. WHY IT'S HOT Here's a passionate pose that's all about intimacy. The warm water relaxes you both and makes you feel sexy. "And since the tub is a con fined spacc, it forces you to get extra close," savs Ian Kerner, PhD, author of She Comes First. "Between the water caressing you and v< >ur 1 ><)dies rubbing up against each < >ther, you're getting full-body stimulation, making for a more pleasurable experience all around." On top of that, the rocking motion is more subtle than thrusting and provides a longer, slower buildup, which not only helps him last but also generates a nu ich-anticipated big bang at the end. One catch: Water can wash away your natural lubrication, so vou in av need to use silicone-base: d lube (it's the only

