
Fun and Fearlessj

Competing Over a Guv
It can he a good sign if you and a friend find yourselves attracted to the same man. It means that you two are pals for the right reasons: You have sii i lilar tastes and interests. However, it might not he great for your friendship. Friends are supposed to he honest with each other when it comes to tilings like how you look when you're about to head out for the night, and that kind of honesty will fly out the window if vou're going to a party where your mi iti uil love interest will lie. You'll findyourselvcs saying things like "Parachute pants arc totally in again!" and "No, I can't see your hald spot." If you findyoursclf in a situation in which y< >u and your friend both want to pork the same guy, it's best to flip a coin.
The First Time You Say "I Love You"
It could take a few months or a few weeks, and in some cases, it may take only a few days to say "I love you." But while a man may appreciate a woman who is strong enough to say it first, he will put a restraining order on a chick who says it within the first hour. If, after a few dates, you find yourself on your fifth applctini and ready to spill your guts, take a deep breath. The first time you say those words is supposed to be special, so I suggest yon sober up pronto. If voi i feel die same way after the alcohol wears off, give it a few more hours, because a residual buzz can also make you do pretty embarrassing tilings.

