
Nursing Mothers

In general, no adverse effects of progestin-only pills have been found on breastfeeding performance or on the health, growth, or development of the infant However, isolated post-marketing cases of decreased milk production have been reported Small amounts of progestins pass into the breast milk of nursing mothers taking progestin-only pills for long-term contraccptton. resulting in detectable steroid levels in infant plasma Pediatric Use
Safety and efficacy of progestin-onlv pills for long-term contraception have been established in women of reproductive age. Safety and efficacy are expected to be the same for postpuberal adolescents less than 17 years and for users 17 years and older. Use of Plan B' One-Step emergency contraception before menarche is not indicated. Geriatric Use
This product is not intended for use in postmenopausal women. Race
No formal studies have evaluated the effect of race. However, clinical trials demonstrated a higher pregnancy rate in Chinese women with both Plan B' and the Yuzpe regimen (anothei form of emergency contraception), fliere w as a non-stalistically significant increased rate of pregnancy among Chinese women in the Plan B' One-Step trial. The reason for this apparent increase in the pregnancy rate w itli emergency contraceptives in Chinese women is unknowncheap gucci watches
Hermes 2011

