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unless you're married. Let him know that you're not bringing it up because you want to pressure him, but you're bringing it up because you want to understand his reasons for not wanting to get hitched.
Then be patient and feel him out. Like I said, it could be that he simply needs to be reassured that your relationship won't change or that the wedding will be small and low-key. You may find you'll have to make some compromises—or you may find that his mind can't be changed—but at least you'll know.
QUESTION: My boyfriend buys extra-large condoms even though he's, at most, a medium. I love his body and his size suits me perfectly, but the condoms are always a little too loose for comfort...and I have no desire to get knocked up just because he has delusions of hugeness. If I buy regular-size ones for him, will it crush his ego? ANSWER: This is actually a common problem. According to a recent medical journal survey, about half of guys use ill-fitting condoms that result in slippage, breakage, or irritation. However, I'm not sure I'd tell your boyfriend that—when talking about a man's junk, you want to avoid phrases like "It happens to lots of guys!"
I also don't think you should spring new condoms on him with no explanation, especially if he's always the one who buys them. So you'll need to tell him that the ones he's using don't let you feel him as intensely as you want and you'd be much more turned on if he wore something "tighter." If he balks, add that you think his condoms increase the risk that you'll get

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