
Cosmo readers share their most shocking stories and steamiest secrets

The first time I met my boss's daughter, I kept going on and on about how different their skin tones are. My boss is pale with a reddish complexion and lots of freckles. Her daughter, on the other hand, has beautiful dark hair and a deeper skin tone. I kept commenting on how different they look and how I thought it was so weird. The next day, I found out from a coworker that one of my boss's daughters is adopted.. .obviously the one I met." —Janeiie, 24

A Roaring Good Time
"I was hanging out at a bar with this guy I've known for a while. We were having a great time and ended up going back to his place to continue the fun. I knew that he had roommates, but they were all gone for the weekend. Since his place was empty, I didn't hold back and let him know how much I was enjoying myself!
"A few weeks later, I was hanging out with his friends, and somehow, the subject of our hookup was brought up. Apparently, his roommates had come back early from their trip and heard everything. They told me they'd had to leave the apartment because I was so loud that they couldn't sleep. Now, they tease me every time we hang out." —Lisa, 21
Space Invaders
"My college roommate was really obnoxious. She always had the television on, was constantly talking loudly on the phone, and was just an inconsiderate person in general. None of my friends could stand her either. To get back at her, one weekend when she went home, we moved all her stuff to one side by about a foot, so my half of the room had extra space. When she came back, I could see she noticed something was different, but she never figured out what it was! I continued to enjoy my extra space for the remainder of the school year." —Kate, 24
Buzz Kill
"I had a big date scheduled for Saturday night, so I decided to keep Friday night pretty low-key and just watch a movie. Before going to bed, I wanted to get rid of some sexual energy and reached into my nightstand for my vibrator. The next night, the date went so well, I brought him back to my place. One thing led to another, and we were in my room hooking up when my bed started buzzing. He looked really confused, and then I realized that I had left my vibrator in the bed and, somehow, it had turned on! Totally embarrassed, I retrieved it from under the covers and put it back in my nightstand." —Kim, 24

