

and while he may come to understand, he also might not.
To save both of you a lot of trouble, I recommend you stop making it a group decision and just tell him you've gone off the Pill and you now need to use condoms. He'll get used to them, in fact, when he realizes the alternative is never having sex, they'll suddenly seem like a great option,
QUESTION: When I come home from work, my husband always asks how my day was. But when I start to tell him, he zones out and eventually cuts me off to talk about something else. It really offends me. Why does lie ask if he doesn't care? ANSWER: it's possible that he read a men's magazine article explaining that women like it when guys ask them questions... and then stopped reading before he got to the part explaining that women also like it when guys actually listen to what they say. But the more likely explanation is that you simply have very different expectations for how one answers the question "How was your day?"
Most guys typically answer that question with one word: Tine." {If they're feeling especially chatty, they may go as far as "Pretty good.") Men often don't feel the need to provide as many details about their lives as women do...and therefore, your husband may not understand how important sharing that stuff is to you. So if you start your answer by saying "It was fine, but...," intending to launch into a story, he may hear "fine" and figure it's okay to move on.
Try two things. First, give him time post-work to unwind before you try to discuss your day in-depth; he'll be in a more relaxed state of mind and ready to talk. Second, try starting off stories with something like "I want to know what you think about something.,.." It'll signal to him that you really want him to listen.

