
The Craving Guys Have af9RM

You could call it the witching hour: around 9 o'clock in the evening, many men suddenly feel testy. It turns out, it's due to a sneaky effect early evening activities can have on a man's hormones, say experts. Let us explain: On some nights, a guy might meet friends for a beer or two postwork. Maybe lie then grabs a couple of slices and a soda, or lie heads home to eat with you, then scarfs down cookies for dessert.
"What happens is the stuff he's eaten over the course of time turns to sugar—alcohol, carbs, and obviously any dessert—causing his testosterone, which is already fluctuating, to drop bv up to 25 perccnt," says Daniel Amen, MD, author of Change Your Brain, Change Your Body. "And that hormonal plummet sends his mood into a downward spiral." Why 9 p.m.? "It takes some time for the booze and food to be broken down, so if he's eating and drinking around 7, he'll feel the hit about two hours later," explains Dr. Amen.
His Burning Need
When a guy's testosterone dips, it's shockingly not sex he's after to make him chill and feel better, according to Dr. Amen. Your moody dude is actually craving pure affection, though nothing overly fussy or mushy. "Men need quiet to relax and
reset," says Diana Kirschner, PhD,
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a relationship therapist and author of Sealing the Deal. So you've got a

