

Do not use ADVAIR DISKUS mless your healthcare provider has taught you and you understand everything Ask your healthcare provider or pharmacist if you have any questions.
• Children should use ADVAIR DISKUS with an adult's help as instructed by the child's healthcare provider
• Use ADVAIR DISKUS exactly as prescribed. Do not use ADVAIR DISKUS more often than prescribed. ADVAIR DISKUS comes in 3 strengths. Your healthcare provider has prescribed the one that is best for your condition.
• The usual dosage of ADVAIR DISKUS is 1 inhalation 2 times each day (morning and evening). The 2 doses should be about 12 Tours apart Rinse your mouth with water after using ADVAIR DISKUS.
• If you take more ADVAIR DISKUS than your doctor has prescribed, get medical help right away if you have any unusual symptoms, such as worsening shortness 0" breath, chest pain, increased heart rate, or stekiness.
• If you miss a dose of ADVAIR DISKUS, just skip that dose Take you- next dose at your usual time. Do not take 2 doses at one time.
• Do not use a spacer device with ADVAIR DISKUS.
• Do not breathe Into ADVAIR DISKUS.
• While you are using ADVAIR DISKUS 2 times each day. do not use other medicines that contain a LABA for any reason. Ask your healthcare provider or pharmacist If any of your other medicines are LABA medicines.
• Uo not stop using AUVAIR UlSKUS or other asthma medicines unless told to do so byyour healthcare provider because your symptoms might oet worse. Your healthcare provider will change -/our mecScines as needed.
• ADVAIR DISKUS dees not relieve sudden symptoms Always have a rescue inhaler rredicine with you to treat sudden symptoms. II you do not fiave an inhaled, short-
acting bronchodilator, call your healthcare provider to
have one preserved for you.
Call your healthcars provider or get medical care right away if:
• your breathing problems worsen with ADVAIR DISKUS
• you need to use your rescue inhaler medicine more often than usual
• your rescue inhaler medicine does not work as well for you at relieving symptoms
• you need to use 4 or more inhalations of your rescue inhaler medicine for 2 or more days in a row
• you use 1 whole canister of your rescu inhaler medicine in 8 weeks' time
• you' peak flow meter results decrease Your healthcare provider will tell you the numbers that are right for you.
• you have asthma and your symptoms dc not improve after using ADVAIR DISKUS regularly for 1 week
What are the possible side effects with ADVAIR DISKUS?

