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The solution is the same as with all breakouts: Apply a benzoyl-peroxide or salicylic-acid product as directed (usually twice a day), says Dr. Leffell. Avoid exfoliating, which will irritate inflamed skin. If your period pimples are really bad, consider going on the Pill. The hormones in oral contraceptives reduce the hormonal changes that cause these breakouts in the first place, says Dr. Leffell.
Part of that fatigued feeling has to do with the plunge in both your estrogen and progesterone levels at this time, which can also contribute to insomnia. On top of that, cramps and mood swings arc probably keeping you up at night, says Dr. Booth. No wonder your eyelids feel like lead for four or five days out of eveiy month.
Turning in an hour earlier at night is a no-brainer, though it's not so easy to do if you have a crazed schedule jammed with work and social events. Postpone what you can (like drinks with a friend you see all the time or a dinner date with your long-term BF) and you'll probably be able to sneak under the covers at a more reasonable time for those first few days of your period, says Dr. B(X)th.
And as counterintuitive as it may sound, move as much as possible. Make it to Spinning class, run around the block, or hop on your bike for 15 minutes. Any heart-pumping exercise will charge your batteries, so you feel more alert and alive for at least a few hours. Just don't attempt to jack your energy by reaching for sweets and coffee. You will feel a surge quickly, but it won't last, and the resulting blood-sugar plummet will make you feel more draggy than you did before. H

