
what's going on

  before his own fashion shows. "But I realized I wasn't drinking to relax; I was drinking to escape. That's why I saw a therapist, to see exactly what I was trying to escape from." Their conclusion: "I was ciying to escape from boring goddamned industry dinner parties, which I don't go to anymore."
  He's back in the business, but he's steering clear of the part}' circuit. He's lost 12 pounds and can eat anything he wants. He says he couldn't gain weight if he tried. "All that puffiness that you have from alcohol just went away, and my cheekbones popped back out, I guess," he says with a smile. When I protest that he looks better than any sober 49-year-oid I've ever met, he smiles again. "I really mean this: I've never been happier in my life. If anything, I have too many good things happening right now, and that's wearing me out! And you look better when you're happy.'

