
Sculpt Strong, Sexy Arms

(1) Start in a side plank, using your left arm and knees for support. Extend your right arm to the floor, palm facing away from your body. Moncler Men's Sweaters
(2) Lift your right arm straight up, rotating so that your palm faces behind you. Hold for a few seconds, then return to start. Do at least 30, and switch sides.

(1) Begin with feet slightly wider than shout der-width apart, arms out and slightly bent, forearms and palms facing up—you'll feel your biceps tighten.
(2) Extend and rotate both arms so your palms face behind you. Hold for a few seconds, then return to start. Thafs one rep; do at least 30. .

(1) Stand with feet wider than shoulder-width apart, placing most of your weight on your left leg, right arm by your side. Extend your left arm, elbow bent and palm relaxed.
(2) Reach up with your left arm, closing your hand into a fist—your muscles will tense up—and hold tor three seconds. That's one rep; do at least 30, and switch sides.
(1) Stand with feet wider than shoulder-width apart, abs tight. Raise your arms, elbows bent, so that they're
at chest level, with your right arm a few inches above the left. Rotate your forearms so that your palms face out.
(2) Extend your right arm, and reach it behind you in a slapping motion, as though you're trying to hit something with the palm of your hand. Pause for a few seconds, then return to start. Do at least 30. Repeat with left arm.moncler bag

